Butcher a Cow
Start to Finish
Service Description
With butchers overbooked in our area and more and more people with cattle on their property, the need to learn the skill of butchering is higher than ever. Our small but experienced shop wants to help you learn the skills to process your own beef. You'll learn: 1. How to safely, humanely and effectively dispatch a cow. What weapon, what caliber, where and how to take the shot. 2. Effective ways to move a cow from the kill site to the processing site. 3. How to process a cow - what knives to use, how to sharpen your knives, avoiding cutting into places that would spoil the meat, what organs to harvest and what to get rid of, how to hang a cow with minimal tools, and how long to hang the cow before butchering. 4. What cuts come from what part of the cow and how to cut them 5. What tools to use to cut through bone 6. The appropriate grinder for making hamburger 7. How to wrap meat so it doesn't bleed or spoil in the freezer Spend the day with local people, Brian Sauve who owns Packsaddle Meat Processing, and his right-hand worker Samantha. How does a 5'2" 150 pound woman process a 1700 pound cow? With the right tools, and the right support. Learn from our mistakes and our wins how you can as well! Basic: Get all the perks of the class with lunch provided. Choice: Get all the perks of the class, lunch provided, one skinning knife and one butchering knife. Prime: All the perks of the class, lunch provided, and three lifetime warranty custom made skinning knives from Continental Divide Knives (a $400 value).
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
Packsaddle Meat Processing, Rosemont Dr, Athol, ID, USA